LifeSciences ScienceLife

Episode 3: Drug development, AI and saying no

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In this episode, Christian Fellingerand Andrea Cabrera, both PhD students in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, join us to discuss how the whole drug development process works. They dive into the drug design part of the process and explain how current research is seeking to make it more efficient using different tools, including AI. They also give us some insights and tips on how to balance work and personal life. Tune in to hear how they are working together to improve the drug design process while keeping themselves healthy and motivated.

This episode was written by Christian Fellinger and Andrea Cabrera (PhD students in Pharmaceutical Sciences), hosted by Agnes Draxler (Alumna and early-postdoc research at the Department of Nutritional Sciences) and Shara Natalia Sosa Cabrera (PhD student in Pharmaceutical Sciences), edited by Simon Schenk-Mair, and produced by Andrea Cabrera (PhD student in Pharmaceutical Sciences).

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