LifeSciences ScienceLife

Episode 8: Healthy ageing

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Are you curious about how ageing works at a molecular level? Do you want to know how our bodies defend themselves against stress? Then tune in to this episode, where we interviewed our regular hosts. Agnes, a freshly graduated PhD from the Department of Nutritional Sciences, discussed the importance of vitamin D and protein intake and the effect they have on our bodies as we age. Shara, a PhD candidate from the Division of Pharmacognosy, explained how the protein NRF2 detoxifies our bodies and keeps them healthy through time. Agnes and Share also provided some suggestions on how to keep our bodies in good shape and healthy regardless of our age. Finally, they shared their insights on how conference attendance has impacted their careers and how to make the most out of it.
_ This episode was written and hosted by Agnes Draxler (Alumna and early-postdoc research at the Department of Nutritional Sciences) and Shara Natalia Sosa Cabrera (Pharmaceutical Sciences), recorded and edited by Simon Schenk-Mair, and produced by Andrea Cabrera (Pharmaceutical Sciences)._


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